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Arab Patrol Unit

Meets Monthly: Second Monday of the month at the Tangier Shrine Center.
Barry Higgins - 402-212-1169
Divan Rep: Paul Bohannon


Arab Patrol was organized over a century ago by the Potentate in 1890s. Its original purpose was the creation of a marching "unit" to interface with the public and participate in parades. This longstanding tradition has generated pride and camaraderie among our membership.


Today, the Nobles and their Ladies have transformed the Patrol into a multifaceted unit.  While marching remains one of our cornerstones; philanthropic activities, fundraising, and socialization have driven our organization to new heights. We gather several times each month to plan, work, and have fun, assisting in carrying out the missions of Tangier Shrine Center. Whether is it using our culinary skills, operating fundraising events, cooking at the Wednesday hamburger night, or attending movie & coffee nights, plays, stags, special field trips, or marching, the Nobles and Ladies of the Patrol are laughing and having a great time. The friendships that we garner are precious and only a small part of the enormous philanthropy.


If you have high character, a desire to make longstanding friendships, and you enjoy contributing to make kids lives better — we want you to be a member!

To Join:
• Contact Barry Higgins at 402-212-1169 OR
• Contact the Tangier Shrine Office at 402-392-0404 OR
• Attend our business meeting.

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